Prospect Hill Historical Narrative The ca. 45-acre area bordered north and south by Union and Lincoln Streets, and east and west by Jefferson and Bolton Streets, is largely filled with modest- to stylish wood-frame houses typical of the period from the Civil War era through the early twentieth century. With the exception of three pre-1850 farmhouses on Union and Hudson Streets, Most of the area's older houses are located in the southwestern part, on lower Highland, Jefferson, and Prospect Streets. The side streets of the area's eastern section, developed between the late 1880's and 1910, comprise one of Marlborough center's handsome turn-of-the-century hill-top neighborhoods, where Brimsmead, Tremont, Bicknell, and Short Streets, and Huntington and Estabrook Avenues march down the southern slope of Prospect Hill.
Prospect Hill Map 1878 Although there is considerable alteration throughout the area, in the western part, at least, there is a higher proportion of intact windows, doors, and clapboard siding than in other sections of Marlborough center.

A roughly chronological description of street development shows some of the architectural variety that is present here.

As the industrial and commercial development of Marlborough center expanded in the latter part of the nineteenth century, residential neighborhoods spread northward into the hilly farm country along the pre-1800 Elm, Bolton, Hudson, Prospect, and Union Streets. Most of the land flanking Prospect Street and stretching northwest up Prospect Hill to Union and Elm Streets, was owned by members

of the Tayntor family. One of their farmhouses, part of which was built in the early eighteenth century, still stands at 77 Hudson Street.

After the Civil War, much of the Tayntor land was subdivided for houselots on the lower sections of Prospect and the new Highland and Jefferson Streets, most of it by Hollis Tayntor (b. 1804), whose ca. 1870 house is located at 120 Prospect Street. By 1871, the five houses on lower Jefferson Street, along with seven on Highland and fourteen on Prospect, and 86 and 90 Brimsmead Street, had all been built. Houses were beginning to extend north along Bolton Street, as well. Brimsmead marked the southern edge of an 85-10t subdivision on land belonging to Charles F. Morse, which included three planned side streets on the top of Prospect Hill. (Except for the south side of Brimsmead, however, none of this section was actually developed until the mid-twentieth century.) Besides the Tayntors and Charles Morse, in about 1880, J.S. Howe, of 93 Prospect Street, laid out Bicknell and Tremont Streets, and extended Short Street north to Brimsmead.

Source: Marlborough Historical Society